
(已翻译)Lesson 4 - Opposing Muscle Groups Climbing Training Program
本帖最后由 steven 于 2009-10-4 00:29 编辑
A Rock Climbing Workout Plan to Balance Muscles Using Exercise Bands
Every climbing training plan should include exercises to balance opposing muscle groups. Use exercise bands to add the five exercises below to any rock climbing workout.
Like stretching for rock climbing, the benefits of exercising opposing muscle groups to improve at rock climbing are not as readily obvious as working pull power or climbing technique — but they do exist. Learn why working opposing muscle groups can enhance any climbing training program. Discover five simple opposing muscle workouts using exercise bands, along with additional suggestions for preventing muscle imbalances.
Why to Work Opposing Muscle
Groups Rock climbing and training for climbing tend to work certain muscle groups of the body more than others — particularly the upper-body pull muscles.Because of this, it’s in every rock climber’s best interest to attempt to balance the opposing muscle groups. Why? Because muscle imbalances can lead to chronic pain, injuries, and poor posture, as well as actually inhibiting gains in strength for rock climbing.
Five Simple Exercises for Opposing Muscle
Groups Using exercise bands makes it easy to work opposing muscle groups.Optimally, purchase the exercise band with the resistance that allows for three sets of 10-12 reps for each of the following opposing muscle group exercises.For each exercise, be sure to warm up first, keep abs tight, breathe, and not lock elbows or knees. Also, move slowly and fluidly through the full range of motion for each exercise.
- Side Raises: Start in a standing position with a staggered stance, with knees slightly bent and the exercise band under one foot. Grasp the handles firmly, with arms at sides. Raise arms up to shoulder level out to each side (see Photo A), then lower.
- Front Raises: Stand as described for side raises. Raise arms up to shoulder level together in front of the body (see Photo B). Lower back down slowly and in control.
- Reverse Flies: Secure the exercise band using either the included door attachment, or around a non abrasive, solid post. Stand with feet about shoulder width apart and hands together in front of the body, at or just below shoulder level. Pull outward until hands are out to sides (see Photo C), and then move them back to center.
- Flies: Turn around and face away from the secured band (described above). Stand with feet about shoulder width apart and hands apart at about shoulder level, out to the sides. Bring hands together (see Photo D), and then back out to sides.
- Reverse Wrist Curls: In a seated position, wrap the band twice around the feet. With arms resting on legs and torso leaning forward, grasp the handles, palms facing down. Lift up and back with hands (see Photo E), and then down.
Working Opposing Muscle Groups for Better Climbing Training
To maximize strength gains and avoid injuries, climbers should follow at least every other rock climbing workout with an opposing muscle group workout.This should be a key element of any rock climbing training program. Exercise bands provide a simple way to work opposing muscle groups, as illustrated by the five exercises described above. A qualified personal trainer can help design a more comprehensive opposing muscle workout plan to beef up any climbing training plan.