
【Big up大片下载】PROGRESSION!新鲜火热,10月份才发行的!
这个视频非常新,Jumbo love 5.15a/b有!连青海赛都有!
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2009-10-14 09:55
All over the world, dedicated climbers are working hard every day, testing the limits of their bodies and minds with the single goal of moving climbing forward.
The moments of glory are few and far between. It's the struggle and sacrifice behind the breakthroughs that tell the true story of the advancement of the sport in all its forms. Featuring Chris Sharma, Tommy Caldwell, Daniel Woods, Adam Ondra, Kevin Jorgeson, Patxi Usobiaga, Johanna Ernst, Alex Honnold, Paul Robinson, Matt Segal, and more.
• Chris Sharma applies his bouldering power to a new batch of viciously hard sport routes in Spain, while training for his nemesis, a project at Clark Mountain, CA (featured in KING LINES). Later he returns to Clark Mountain to complete the route and establish the world's hardest rock climb, Jumbo Love (5.15b).
• Tommy Caldwell continues to break new ground in Yosemite big wall free climbing, with the first free ascent of Magic Mushroom, and a glimpse of his latest El Cap super project, Mescalito.
• Patxi Usobiaga (Spain) and Johanna Ernst (Austria) train like maniacs to become champions of the World Cup competition circuit.
• Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson rip the hardest single moves on the fantasy boulders of Rocklands, South Africa.
• Kevin Jorgeson pushes highball bouldering to a new level with his terrifying ascent of Ambrosia, in Bishop, CA.
• Alex Honnold and Matt Segal bring a fresh attitude to the legendary scary grit routes of England.
• Adam Ondra, the 16 year old Czech phenom, shows why he's turning the climbing world upside down, with lightning fast repeats of high-end routes |