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添加时间:2007-08-06 来源:户外资料网 作者:Eric J. Horst 翻译:jimonline【授权发表】
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这篇 Eric J. Horst写的文章是朋友提供的,我粗略翻译的。
  Is Climbing The Best Training For Climbing?
  It‘s an old adage that “climbing is the best training for climbing,” and many climbers lean on this line as an excuse for not engaging in any training activities outside of climbing itself. Let’s examine this precept and determine, once and for all, if it is valid.
  When I am asked the question “Is climbing the best training for climbing”, my canned answer is--“it depends.” This is because the best type of training for a given climber depends on his or her current strengths and weaknesses as well as current absolute climbing ability. For instance, in terms of improving climbing technique and mental skills, no amount of strength training will produce direct improvements in these areas. However, for developing sport-specific strength (i.e. conditioning to improve grip strength, lock-off ability, and endurance of upper body strength), simply “climbing for training” will produce limited results and only slow (or no) improvement from year to year. Sound familiar?
  One reason that climbing is not the best method of strength training is because the ultimate goals of “training” versus “climbing” are very different. For instance, the goal in climbing is to avoid muscular failure at all costs and, hopefully, reach the top of a boulder problem or climb before the arm and forearm muscles pump out. Conversely, when training for climbing it is often best to exercise at the highest possible intensity and produce muscular failure in a few minutes, if not a few seconds. Summarizing--in climbing, you strive to avoid failure; in training, you tend to pursue failure.
  Another example that underscores the difference between climbing and training for climbing is the way in which you grip the rock. In climbing, the rock dictates a random use of many different grip positions and, at times, you may even deliberately vary the way you grip the rock. As a result, it‘s unlikely that any single grip position will ever get worked maximally and, therefore, the individual grip positions (e.g. crimp, open hand, pinch, etc.) are slow to increase strength. This should help you understand why a full season of climbing may indeed improve your anaerobic endurance (i.e. endurance of strength), but do little to increase you absolute maximum grip strength. Therefore, varying grip positions is a great strategy for maximizing endurance when climbing for performance, but it stinks for training maximum grip strength. Effective finger strength training demands you target a specific grip position and work it until failure (See HIT Workouts ).
  另外一个能揭示攀岩和训练有所区别的例子在于你抓握岩石的方式。在攀岩中,岩石意味着在一些不同的抓握姿势中的一个随机的使用,有时候,你可能甚至故意变化你抓握岩石的方式。结果是,任何单一的抓握姿势不大可能达到最大效力,因此,某个抓握姿势(例如,crimp,open hand,pinch等)只是缓慢增加力量。这会帮助你理解为什么一个全年攀岩者可能确实需要增加你的无氧耐力(例如力量的持久力),但较少去增加你的绝对最大抓握力量。因此,改变不同的抓握姿势达到最大化耐力在为了成绩攀岩的时候是一个很好的策略,但对于训练最大的抓握力会是一个差的主意。有效率的手指力量训练需要你确定一个明确的抓握姿势位为目标,去做直到力竭。(见HIT Workouts )
  As a final note, it may be best for some climbers to engage in physical conditioning that is not sport-specific in nature. For example, an overweight individual would be better off spending their non-climbing training time performing aerobic exercise (and, of course, improve their dietary surveillance) rather than sport-specific climbing exercises. Likewise, some “way out-of-shape” individual (i.e. unable to do even a few pull-ups, push-ups, abdominal crunches, etc.) would be better off engaging in a period of standard circuit training to improve general conditioning.
  In the final analysis, if you are serious about climbing performance you must not be satisfied simply “climbing for training”, nor can you mindless adhere to old adages or train in the flawed ways as most other climbers do. Becoming the best (and strongest) climber possible demands that you become a knowledgeable self-coach and thoughtful practitioner of “training for climbing.”
  Copyright 2005 Eric J. Horst. All rights reserved.
  2005 Eric J. Horst.版权作有

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我根本就不知道该爬什么,于是老是想:反正不管爬什么,我有在爬就可以.. 看来好像不行耶
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用心去爬 心自由灵动而有生机 呵呵





看看现今的世界 冠军 没有一个 不说 攀爬是最佳的训练方式 沙玛 托马斯 Adam Ondra  。。。。 这些世界冠军 都是爬出来的 ,Adam Ondra 更是 几乎连训练都没有 就是爬不断的爬 。





