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作者:Chris Sharma     翻译:Steven

原文出处:http://www.momentumvm.com/cms/in ... id=16&Itemid=50

Pachamama- New 9a+        新9a+线路“Pachamama”

Last friday I finally sent my project in Oliana “Pachamama”. I was so stoked to squeeze it in before the summer heat. Pachamama is a blue wall just to the right of my other route Papichulo 9a+. Its 50m long and very pumpy and psychological.

上周五我终于完成了我在Oliana(西班牙东北部地区加泰罗尼亚的一个自治市)的Project线路“Pachamama”。我很兴奋终于在夏天的酷热到来之前设法将它完成了。“Pachamama”是一面蓝色的岩壁,就在我开发另一条9a+ “Papichulo”的右边。有50米长,很考验手臂耐力和心理。
PachaMama01.jpg (249.46 KB)
2009-6-5 11:53

The first 2/3 of the route is super resistence maybe 9a+ by itself. Its super sustained with most of the the holds being small mini tufa pinches and slopey underclings . I really had to climb with a lot of rythm. The individual moves arent that bad but I fell so many times with my hands opening up totally pumped. After there is "ok" rest and maybe 8b+ or 8c to the top. Just before the finishing jug there is a slabby redpoint crux with slopey sidepulls far apart with really bad feet (two days before I fell there).


Anyways its such a perfect line. It a beautiful bulging wall with 3d water streaks (like small mini tufa ribs) Oliana is a magical place. Its such a privelige to have it as one of my home crags and have the opportunity to put up such a perfect line.

PachaMama02.jpg (295.39 KB)
2009-6-5 11:53

Im still a bit confused over the grade. Its definitly harder than Papichulo and all the other 9a+ routes Ive done in spain but Im not sure if its 9b. Aside from the mandatory cabron jump to a sloper on the lower section, the resistent style of climbing on the route isn't quite the best style for me and I can imagine other people being better suited. We'll see what people think. For now I'd say its hard 9a+.

对这条线的难度我还是有点疑惑。它绝对比“Papichulo” 以及我在西班牙完成过的其他9a+的线路都要难,但是我不能够确定它是否有9b。除了在线路的底下部分那个他妈必须跳到一个斜面点(我们经常说的open点,英文叫sloper)的动作外,这种很别的线路风格并不是我擅长的。我相信有的人可能更适合。让我们看看其他人的想法。现在我只能说他有9a+的难度。

PS:翻译真是件头疼的工作,不仅耗时耗力,还费脑细胞:lol 真佩服那些能翻译整本书的人(不过,人家是专家之类的,我们只是偶尔玩玩啦)。由于文化的差异和专业术语,有时候碰到不理解的,或懂了却找不到恰当的中文来表达的词句,真的是挠头骚耳,悔恨当初自己语文为什么不好好学啊!这次resistance/resistent这个单词就搞死我了。本文原句:

The first 2/3 of the route is super resistence maybe 9a+ by itself.

the resistent style. of climbing on the route isn't quite the best style. for me

词的“意思是让爬的人穷于抵抗,无法主动出击。”我根据个人理解,我只能暂时译成“别”了。我还在盗版岩与酒上发了个贴http://bbs.rockbeer.org/viewthread.php?tid=1241668465 如大家有更好的意见,欢迎共同探讨。现在有了网络真是方便,有很多专业资料都可以搜出来。

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