在过去的一年里,厦门岩友会的攀岩推广活动一直如火如荼在进行着, (为什么我们要心甘情愿默默无闻的付出来做这些事情?因为我们热爱攀岩!) 除了越来越多的朝气蓬勃的新鲜血液入住外,在一年前加入的那些新人们也一直坚持着激情与热爱并取得了喜人的进步,在岩馆充满沸腾的汗臭味中也总是荡漾着欢笑声。 (为什么在汗臭味中也总是荡漾着欢笑声,因为我们热爱攀岩!) 2011新年攀岩派对! New Year Climbing Party 2011! 我们要大口吃肉大口喝酒, We'll drink a lot and eat a lot, 为了能够疯狂扭动屁股和臂腰, To rock your ass and your arms and your waist, 为了能够尽情的在岩石上舞蹈! To dance as crazy as you could on the rocks! 这是我们岩友会庆祝新年2011年的最好方式! This is our best way for us-climbers to celebrate this New Year 2011 ! 攀岩,让你我的心永远年轻..... 来吧,加入我们,一起来攀岩吧!一起来派对吧!!! Climbing, it makes our hearts young forever... Come on, join us, let's climb! Let's PARTY!!! 【参加资格 Qualifications 】 所有攀岩爱好者、感兴趣者均可报名免费参加;你可以来爬,也可以来欣赏,或者来拍照。
喝酒吃肉费用AA Whoever loves to climb or interested in it, and it's all for FREE. You could come to climb, you could also just come to watch or photograph us. Go dutch for dinner and drinking.
【赞助商 Sponsor】
本次活动由Kailas(凯乐石)提供赞助,感谢KAILAS对本次活动的大力支持! The party is sponsored by Kailas。 Thanks to their great help! 每个报名参加者将获得由Kailas提供的纪念品--Kailas钥匙扣1个(31份,发完即止) The first 31 persons who enroll in will get a Kailas key chain as gift.
此次活动所有奖品将由抽奖产生,具体奖项如下: There will be lucky-draws during the party. Details are as follows,
【活动地点 Place】 8A+海滨客栈--地址:厦门市思明区曾厝垵262号--电话:0592-8887542 8A+ Inn--ADD:262 Zeng Cuo An, Siming District, Xiamen--Tel:0592-8887542
这是由厦门资深岩友--大万,创办的厦门唯一一家以攀岩为主题的家庭旅馆。客栈的院子内建有抱石岩壁,宽5米,高6米。角度可以从直壁--45度大斜壁任意调节,难易自选,包你一见就手汗直冒,手痒难耐! 同时客栈内设有多个攀岩主题风格的客房,让你睡梦中都在攀岩。 在院子里一边泡茶,晒太阳,一边抱石,还有什么比这更惬意的生活?真是一个难得的岩友集聚地!热情欢迎各地岩友光临交流! 感谢万叔免费提供的场地。他家客栈院子里的这一面岩壁真的很棒! 来张全景照给万叔做做广告:
【活动内容和时间 Subjects & Schedule】 2011年1月22日(周六)13:00-18:00 Date: 13:00-18:00 22nd, Jan, 2011 Saturday
上午任意时间到达万叔家客栈。先到先干活或者晒太阳,泡茶,抱石,吹牛,遛狗.....反正爱干嘛干嘛,反正就是尽情玩耍吧! You can come any time in the morning at the above location. You can start to help with the preparation for the party, or you can just enjoy the sunshine in the yard, having tea, do some rock boulder, play with the dogs..... Do whatever you like, we are here just to have fun! 下午就是最精彩的开放式攀爬了: And then it's the real climbing part in the afternoon:
分三个组别 女子组:所有爱好攀岩的女子 男子组:所有爱好攀岩的男子 公开组:攀龄二年以上 Three groupings : Women: Female climbers Men: Male climbers Open: Climbers with two year+ experiences.
8-10条线路,每个组别分开不同时段攀爬,采用开放式,选手可互相探讨交流,在规定的时间内完成线路最多者胜出。每个时段将穿插进行此次活动的幸运大抽奖。 Total 8-10 bouldering problems available. Each group will be climbing problems in a certain period of time. The problems are open and no attempt limitation. Climbers can discuss the sequences each other. The climber who does the most problems are the winner. There will be lucky-draws after each section.
13:00-14:30 女子组 14:30-16:30 男子组 16:30-18:00 公开组 18:00-???聚餐、自由活动 .... 13:00-14:30 Female climbers 14:30-16:30 Male climbers 16:30-18:00 Open 18:00-??? Dinner, whatever you like....
【报名流程 How to enroll in】 请按照如下格式跟帖或者站内短信报名: Please submit your personal details as follows ,
ID/姓名--ID/Name: 性别--Sex: 参赛组别--Group of attendance: 是否参加聚餐--Join Dinner Party or not:(请务必注明,以便统计人数,预定饭店--To be filled necessarily) 联系手机--Mobile No.:(可发站内短信。必须留,否则不予受理--To be filled necessarily) 【报名截止时间 Final cut-off date for enrollment 】 2011年1月20日 Jan. 20th, 2011
【参加须知--NOTICE FOR ATTENDANCE】 1)参加者须进行健康检查,确认身体健康,无心脏病、高血压、癫痫等不适合攀岩的疾病。否则由此引起的后果自负。 The person attending the party should be in good Health condition, without any disease not suitable for rock climbing, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, epilepsy, and so on. Otherwise, we are free from any legal responsibility. 2)参加者须自行购买活动期间意外伤害保险。 The person attending the party should purchase the insurance for accident by himself/herself for the party time. 3)参加者须自带饮料,着适合运动的服装、自备球鞋或攀岩鞋。 The person attending the party should bring the beverages by himself/herself and wearing sports wear & climbing shoes/sports shoes during climbing.